Care Providers

From inception we have worked with hundreds of healthcare providers with a diverse range of backgrounds. All in the pursuit to create a platform where providers want to be. On Sayin, healthcare professionals can connect deeply with their clients, effortlessly market their services, and integrate into a nationwide network of practitioners and resources. Our goal with the services offered is to cultivate a comprehensive environment in which we enable healthcare providers to easily leverage the voice of their clients to deliver higher qualities of care.

Client Sentiment

Through the power of our clinically approved reviews and surveys we enable healthcare providers to gain deep insights to the sentiments of their current and prospective clients. These tools are built on top of industry leading analytics yet designed to be user-friendly. Allowing providers to easily and thoroughly understand how to best support their clients.

Case Management

Possibly one of the most time-consuming aspects of this profession is dealing with managing the cases of your patients. We take care of that too! Our goal is to enrich the lives of healthcare providers by empowering them to focus solely on providing high quality care. We simplify the process of referring to and receiving referrals from vetted providers.

Continued Education and Networking

Never look for a continued education event. Our recommendations extend to helping you stay compliant with laws and regulations by recommending CE events that match your needs. Sayin also exposes you to an ever-growing network of clinicians and providers who have the power to create provider-specific communities. Providing a safe space for providers to convene, discuss, and learn together.


Care Seekers


Higher Education